2024.08.27 19:18Nation

麻生派「河野氏支持」一本化せず 総裁選、他候補支援を容認


2024.08.27 19:18Nation

Aso Faction to Not Fully Support Kono in LDP Leadership Race

A Liberal Democratic Party faction led by party Vice President Taro Aso decided Tuesday to tolerate members who support LDP leadership candidates other than digital transformation minister Taro Kono, a member of the faction, while encouraging support for Kono, 61, in the Sept. 27 leadership election.
   The 54-member group is the only LDP faction that has decided to continue to exist in the wake of a high-profile "slush fund" scandal involving LDP factions.
   "I want to support Kono, who is one of us, as a comrade," Aso said at a meeting of the faction in Yokohama, south of Tokyo, on the day. But at the same time, he said that he does "not intend to bind" his faction's members to support Kono.
   Some in the faction are looking to support former economic security minister Takayuki Kobayashi, 49, former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi, 43, and Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, 71. Aso called on such members to follow their own convictions.
   Kono, who is running for the LDP presidency for the third time, is seeing his momentum fade in public opinion polls. After failing to secure the full backing of the Aso faction, he is expected to focus on reaching out to lawmakers both within and outside the faction who have yet to make up their minds.


