2024.08.26 17:11Nation

「みらい」が北極へ出航 地球温暖化の最前線を調査


2024.08.26 17:11Nation

Japan's Mirai Research Vessel Embarks on Arctic Journey

The Japanese oceanographic research vessel Mirai left its home port of Sekinehama in Mutsu, Aomori Prefecture, northeastern Japan, on Monday afternoon to embark on an Arctic voyage.
   The ship, owned by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, or JAMSTEC, is tasked with ocean research and weather observations in the Arctic Ocean, in hopes of finding the cause of rapid global warming in the area and studying its impact.
   The climate-related changes in the Arctic have affected not only people, flora and fauna in the area but also midlatitude areas of the world, including Japan.
   Motoyo Ito, a researcher at the Arctic Ocean Environment Research Group under JAMSTEC's Institute of Arctic Climate and Environment Research, explained the significance of the Mirai's 22nd Arctic journey.
   "Some studies have indicated that a decline in Arctic sea ice leads to heavy snowfall in East Asia," said Ito, who leads the research mission. "So conducting in-depth research on the current state of the Arctic is extremely important to Japan."


