2024.07.29 17:41Nation

25年度に財政「黒字化」 政府試算、8000億円―岸田首相、歳出改革の継続強調


2024.07.29 17:41Nation

Japan Expects to Achieve Primary Budget Surplus in FY 2025

The Japanese government said Monday that it expects to achieve about 800 billion yen in primary budget surplus for the central and local governments in fiscal 2025, which starts next April.
   Tax revenue is expected to increase thanks to robust corporate earnings while expenditure growth is likely to slow after years of massive stimulus spending, the central government said in an estimate put forward at a meeting of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy.
   "We will continue our efforts to reduce spending and promote reforms," Kishida said.
   The primary balance is an indicator of how much government spending on policies such as social security and public works can be covered by tax revenue and other means without relying on debt.
   If the government achieves a primary budget surplus, it will be the first time since it set a goal of this under then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in the early 2000s.


