2024.07.29 11:48Nation

岸田首相、障害者差別根絶へ行動計画 政府共生社会本部が初会合


2024.07.29 11:48Nation

Japan Eyes Action Plan to Combat Discrimination against Disabled

The Japanese government will draw up a new action plan to combat discrimination and prejudice against disabled people, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said on Monday at the first meeting of a new panel of all ministers on the issue.
   The ministerial panel was set up in response to the Supreme Court's ruling earlier this month that the now-defunct eugenic protection law, which forced sterilizations on the grounds of disabilities, was unconstitutional.
   Through the panel, the government will strengthen education and edification to eradicate discrimination against disabled people and eugenic ideas.
   "The discrimination, abuse, isolation, violation and special treatment that disabled people have been facing must not exist," Kishida stressed at the meeting.
   Kishida instructed Justice Minister Ryuji Koizumi and Ayuko Kato, minister of state for policies related to children, to promptly settle pending sterilization cases by concluding conciliation agreements.


