2024.07.22 16:14Nation

二階派側に禁錮2年求刑 派閥パーティー事件、9月判決―元会計責任者公判・東京地裁


2024.07.22 16:14Nation

2 Yrs Sought for Ex-Accountant of LDP's Nikai Faction

Public prosecutors Monday demanded a prison term of 2 years for a former chief accountant of a ruling Liberal Democratic Party faction led by former LDP Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai over a political funds scandal.
   The punishment for Hitoshi Nagai, 70, was sought at a trial in Tokyo District Court.
   The Nikai faction imposed sales quotas on member lawmakers for fundraising party tickets and kicked revenues in excess of the quotas back to them.
   At his first trial in June, Nagai admitted to charges of violating the political funds control law and said that he wanted to keep cash on hand because of uncertainties, such as a possible change of government.
   According to the indictment, Nagai failed to report a total of some 264 million yen, believed mainly to be revenues in excess of the sales quotas, in the faction's political funds reports for 2018-2022.


