2024.07.22 15:15Nation

母親6割「推し活」に夢中 俳優やアニメ、年100万円超も―民間調査


2024.07.22 15:15Nation

60 Pct of Japanese Moms Enjoy "Oshikatsu" Support Activities

Nearly 60 pct of Japanese mothers enjoy hobby activities to support their favorite celebrities or characters, a recent survey by Interspace Co., which runs an information website for mothers, showed.
   The online survey found that 58.3 pct of responding mothers enjoy the "oshikatsu" activities to support favorites such as pop idols, actors, anime characters, athletes and sports teams.
   Most of them, or 68.5 pct of the total, spend less than 50,000 yen a year on the activities. Those who spend 50,000 yen or more and less than 300,000 yen accounted for 20.7 pct.
   The share of those who spend 300,000 yen or more and less than 1 million yen stood at 5.7 pct, and 5.1 pct spend 1 million yen or more.
   Interspace conducted the survey in April and analyzed answers from 792 mothers.


