2024.07.20 18:15Nation

墜落の海自ヘリ、海底で発見 鳥島沖、無人探査で


2024.07.20 18:15Nation

Crashed MSDF Chopper Found on Seabed

The main part of one of the two Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force patrol helicopters that collided and crashed off a remote Tokyo island in April has been found on the seabed in the sea area where the accident occurred, sources familiar with the matter said Saturday.
   It was discovered by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology's Deep Tow unmanned deep-sea survey probe during its search mission assigned by the Defense Ministry.
   According to the sources, the unmanned probe found what appeared to be a helicopter on the seabed, and the number on the apparent helicopter matched that of the crashed aircraft. An object believed to be the body of the other helicopter was found nearby, and work is underway to confirm its details.
   On the night of April 20, two SH-60K patrol helicopters, during a training to search for a submarine, collided in the air and crashed at a point some 280 kilometers east of Torishima in Tokyo's Izu island chain in the Pacific. The accident left all eight crew members dead.
   Earlier this month, the MSDF released an investigation report saying that the accident was caused by insufficient lookout by crew members and inadequate altitude control of the aircraft.


