2024.07.19 20:36Nation

青森、山口などでも非公表 米軍性犯罪、自治体へ連絡なし


2024.07.19 20:36Nation

US Military Sex Crimes Not Disclosed in More Japan Prefs.

U.S. forces-linked sexual crime cases have not been reported to local governments also in Aomori, Nagasaki and Yamaguchi Prefectures, it was learned Friday after similar situations happened in other parts of Japan including Okinawa Prefecture.
   In Aomori, northeastern Japan, the prefectural government and municipal governments concerned did not receive reports at all after local police referred to prosecutors a Misawa Air Base member in a rape case in September 2021 and another member in an indecent assault case in January 2022. The fact that both suspects escaped indictment was not reported as well.
   As a reason for keeping those cases from the public view, Aomori police sources cited protection of the victims' privacy.
   It also came to light that Nagasaki police charged two U.S. military personnel with committing indecent assaults in the southwestern prefecture in 2016 and 2017, respectively, and sent the cases to prosecutors. But they did not disclose the incidents.
   In Yamaguchi, a western prefecture, local police referred a member of Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni to prosecutors on an indecent assault charge in 2022 without informing the prefectural and relevant municipal governments of the case or making it public.


