2024.07.19 17:17Nation

音声データ、資料に採用 真相解明へ職員アンケート―斎藤知事のパワハラ疑惑で・兵庫県議会


2024.07.19 17:17Nation

Hyogo Assembly to Survey Prefectural Employees over Gov. Scandal

The Hyogo prefectural assembly in western Japan decided Friday to conduct a survey of prefectural government employees over power harassment and other allegations against Governor Motohiko Saito.
   The survey will ask about 9,700 employees whether they have witnessed or heard about Saito's alleged power harassment and demands for gifts. Responses will be collected online in principle, and respondents will have the option of remaining anonymous. The collection and management of responses will be handled by an outside organization.
   The allegations against the 46-year-old governor came to light after a prefectural official distributed a whistle-blowing document to members of the prefectural assembly in March. The assembly then set up a special investigation committee under Article 100 of the local autonomy law.
   The committee was scheduled to hold a hearing with the official this month, but the official was found dead in an apparent suicide on July 7.


