2024.07.04 18:00Nation

難民不認定取り消し 同性愛「逮捕の恐れ」―アフリカ北部の男性・大阪地裁


2024.07.04 18:00Nation

Osaka Court Recognizes Gay African Man as Refugee

Osaka District Court on Thursday revoked a decision by immigration authorities not to grant a refugee status to a gay man from North Africa at risk of persecution in his home country.
   "If he returns home, he may be arrested or prosecuted," Presiding Judge Atsushi Tokuchi said, backing the plaintiff in his 30s living in the Kinki western Japan region.
   According to his lawyers, this is the second case in Japan in which a sexual minority has been recognized as a refugee in a lawsuit, due to the threat of persecution.
   The man came to Japan in December 2019 and applied for refugee status the following month. But the Osaka Regional Immigration Services Bureau decided not to grant him the status in February 2021.
   The man began the suit in July 2022, claiming that same-sex sexual intercourse is punishable by imprisonment under the criminal law of his home country and that he could be killed by his family because of his sexual orientation.


