2024.07.04 12:09Nation

若年層、10人に1人が痴漢被害 鉄道関連7割、内閣府が初調査


2024.07.04 12:09Nation

1 in Every 10 Young People in Japan Experiences Being Groped

One in every 10 young people in Japan has been a victim of molestation, a Cabinet Office survey showed Thursday.
   The first ever Japanese government survey focusing on groping, 10.5 pct of respondents said that they had experienced being molested. Of them, 88.0 pct were women and 10.6 pct were men.
   Molestation cases that occurred in a railway-related setting accounted for 70.0 pct of the total, including 62.8 pct that happened on trains. Cases on the streets made up 13 pct.
   On the handling of groping cases, 42.7 pct said that they were unable to do anything as everything happened so suddenly, while 32.5 pct said that they were too scared to act.
   The survey also found that 80.4 pct did not alert the police or train station staff after being groped, out of fears of causing a commotion.


