2024.07.03 21:03Nation

運航会社と桂田社長を提訴 遺族ら29人、15億円賠償請求―知床観光船事故・札幌地裁

 北海道・知床半島沖で死者・行方不明者26人を出した観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」沈没事故で、乗客14人の遺族ら29人が3日、カズワンの運航会社「知床遊覧船」(斜里町)と桂田精一社長(61)を相手取り、約14億9900万円の損害賠償を求める訴訟を札幌地裁に起こした。

2024.07.03 21:03Nation

Bereaved Families Sue Operator over Hokkaido Boat Accident

Bereaved families of victims of an accident caused by the Kazu I sightseeing tour boat off the northernmost Japan prefecture of Hokkaido in 2022 sued the boat's operator and its president for damages on Wednesday.
   In the lawsuit filed with Sapporo District Court, the plaintiffs, including the 29 family members of 14 passengers of the sunken boat, are seeking some 1,499 million yen in damages from Shiretoko Yuransen, the boat's operator based in the Hokkaido town of Shari, and its president, Seiichi Katsurada, 61.
   In the afternoon on April 23, 2022, the boat sank off the coast of the Shiretoko Peninsula in the eastern part of Hokkaido, leaving 20 passengers and crew members aboard dead and six others missing.
   In its final report released in September 2023, the Japan Transport Safety Board concluded that the direct cause of the sinking was flooding from a faulty hatch on the bow deck. The report pointed out that the boat's hull and its communications devices were not maintained sufficiently and that the operator had no safety management system.
   Last year, the parents of a then 27-year-old crew member who died in the accident filed a damages lawsuit with Tokyo District Court against the Japanese government and the government-commissioned Japan Craft Inspection Organization, which inspected the Kazu I boat before the accident, and also against Katsurada and his firm.


