2024.07.03 07:05Nation

都知事、国の政策に影響 国家並み予算規模


2024.07.03 07:05Nation

Tokyo Governor Has Huge Clout in Japan

Tokyoites will head to the polls Sunday to pick the Japanese capital's governor, who leads an enormous organization with a general-account budget of over 8 trillion yen.
   Tokyo, with its massive financial resources, has spending power equivalent to that of a country. It has sometimes gone ahead of the central government in taking policy measures.
   More than 14 million people live in the capital, accounting for over 10 pct of Japan's population. It is also home to scores of big corporations.
   The metropolitan government's regular budget for fiscal 2024 calls for general-account spending of 8.5 trillion yen. Including special accounts and accounts for public enterprises, the overall budget reaches 16.6 trillion yen.
   Public relations materials published by the metropolitan government say that based on exchange rates as of January, the budget size is on a par with Sweden's, about 19 trillion yen, and that of the Czech Republic, some 14.5 trillion yen.


