2024.07.02 07:06Nation

公費解体完了は4% 申請2万棟超、着手に時間―業者宿泊施設も不足・能登地震


2024.07.02 07:06Nation

Only 4 Pct of Publicly Paid Demolitions in Ishikawa Complete

Publicly funded demolitions have been completed for only about 4 pct of houses damaged by the Jan. 1 Noto Peninsula earthquake for which the procedure was requested.
   According to sources from the prefectural government of Ishikawa in central Japan, hit hard by the 7.6-magnitude quake, requests for publicly paid demolitions have been filed for over 20,000 residential buildings.
   They said that work to place demolition orders and starts of demolition work are being delayed, due to a lack of experience among local government officials and consultants dealing with the situation and scarce accommodation facilities in the Okunoto region in the northern part of the peninsula.
   According to the prefecture, a total of 84,594 residential buildings were reported to have been damaged in Ishikawa as of Monday.
   Publicly funded demolitions had been requested for 20,865 buildings as of June 24. But demolition work has only started at 2,601 buildings, including cases of emergency demolitions initiated at the discretion of local governments and demolitions for which costs are initially borne by residents. Of them, only 911 have been fully demolished.


