2024.07.02 07:06Nation

亡き人胸に、地域再建誓う 住民、発生時刻に黙とう―能登地震半年


2024.07.02 07:06Nation

Moment of Silence Observed at Time of Noto Quake 6 Months Ago

Residents of areas battered by the Noto Peninsula earthquake offered prayers to victims and pledged to revitalize the region, during a moment of silence observed Monday at 4:10 p.m., the time of the quake exactly half a year ago.
   The 7.6-magnitude quake, which struck mainly the central Japan prefecture of Ishikawa, had led to 281 deaths as of Monday. A total of 2,086 people remain evacuated.
   At the fire-ravaged Asaichi-dori morning market district in Wajima, Ishikawa, about a dozen former storeowners gathered to offer a minute of silence.
   "I hope (the district) will be rebuilt as soon as possible," said Nagatake Tomizu, 55, head of Asaichi-dori's merchant association. The district remains littered with debris from buildings and remains from a fire that followed the tremblor.
   "There are barely any people left around here," Ami Nakaura, 82, said of the Waichi shopping street near Asaichi-dori. "I don't know what to do if buildings are torn down and all the residents leave."


