2024.05.30 19:54Nation

教諭ら3人に実刑判決 「重い不注意による人災」―那須雪崩事故・宇都宮地裁


2024.05.30 19:54Nation

3 Sentenced to 2 Yrs in Prison over 2017 Avalanche Deaths

A Japanese district court sentenced three people to two years in prison over deaths caused by an avalanche during a school training program in Tochigi Prefecture in 2017.
   Presiding Judge Toshifumi Takioka at Utsunomiya District Court found the three defendants guilty of professional negligence resulting in death and injury after eight people, mainly students from the mountaineering club of Tochigi Prefectural Otawara High School, died in the avalanche during the hiking training in the Tochigi town of Nasu, eastern Japan.
   Prosecutors had sought four-year prison sentences for all three people, who played major roles in the training program as teachers.
   The focus of the trial was whether the defendants could have foreseen the avalanche. The defense had argued that they were not guilty as they could not have predicted that an avalanche would occur.
   The three are Shuichi Inose, 57, Hisao Sugamata, 55, and Hironori Watanabe, 61. Inose was in charge of the mountaineering training, while Sugamata led the group that included the killed students and Watanabe led a later group.


