2024.05.27 20:29Nation

女性流出、背景に男女賃金格差 地方で大きく、国が実態把握へ

 会合に出席した調査・助言会社「Will Lab(ウィルラボ)」の小安美和代表取締役は、地方や中小企業での格差是正には、「首長の理解とコミットメント」がカギになると指摘。データ整備に当たっては、地域間で比較可能な格差指数の開示を行うなど「地域の人々が本気になる(高い)レベルの解像度で取るべきだ」と述べた。(2024/05/27-20:29)

2024.05.27 20:29Nation

Gender Wage Gaps Seen behind Outflows of Women from Rural Areas

Japanese experts have proposed that the government look into concerns that gender wage gaps may be behind the outflows of young women from rural areas in the country.
   Members of a project team on the promotion of women's active engagement in professional life, chaired by Wakako Yata, special adviser to the prime minister, proposed at a meeting Monday that the government enhance the collection of data on gender wage gaps in rural regions and at small businesses to gain a better understanding of the situation.
   The government will consider concrete measures regarding such data compilation, which are set to be reflected in its annual economic and fiscal policy guidelines to be put together next month.
   It has been pointed out that wider gender wage gaps in rural areas compared with those in large cities may be spurring the outflows.
   Miwa Koyasu, chief of research and advisory firm Will Lab Inc., said at the meeting that "the understanding and commitment of local leaders" are key to rectifying gender wage disparities in rural regions and at small businesses.


