2024.04.23 15:43Nation

麻生氏、トランプ氏と24日にも会談 大統領選にらみ関係構築


2024.04.23 15:43Nation

Aso Slated to Meet with Trump in U.S. as Early as Tues.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, currently visiting New York, is slated to meet with former U.S. President Donald Trump as early as Tuesday afternoon local time, informed sources said.
   Aso, vice president of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, aims to establish connections with Trump in case he wins the U.S. presidential election in November. Trump appears certain to be the Republican presidential nominee.
   Earlier this month, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida made a state visit to the United States and confirmed his close ties with U.S. President Joe Biden.
   As the presidential election is expected to be a close contest, however, Kishida apparently sees the need to prepare for Trump's possible return to power.
   When Aso visited the United States in January, he sought contact with Trump, but it did not materialize.


