2024.04.22 18:38Nation

元慰安婦遺族、中国で初提訴 日本に謝罪と賠償要求


2024.04.22 18:38Nation

1st Comfort Women Lawsuit Filed in China

The families of 18 deceased former Chinese "comfort women" have filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government with a court in China's Shanxi Province, the plaintiffs' lawyer said Monday.
   This is the first such move in China over comfort women, who sexually served Japanese troops before and during World War II, including those who were forced to do so, according to Chinese media reports.
   The plaintiffs, including children of the former comfort women, are claiming that the former comfort women suffered physical and psychological damage as a result of being detained and sexually abused by then Japanese soldiers.
   They are seeking an apology and 36 million yuan, or about 770 million yen, in damages from the Japanese government.
   Whether the court will accept the filing of the lawsuit is being closely watched.


