2024.04.18 18:51Nation

「漫画村」元運営者に賠償命令 出版大手3社へ17億円―東京地裁

 杉浦裁判長は、元運営者が3社の許諾を得ず、「ケロロ軍曹」や「ONE PIECE」、「YAWARA!」など17作品の画像データをサイト上に掲載したと認定。一部の行為は当時の著作権法上、問題なかったなどとした元運営者の反論も退け、3社の権利が侵害されたと結論付けた。

2024.04.18 18:51Nation

Ex-Manga Piracy Website Operator Ordered to Pay Publishers 1.73 B. Yen

Tokyo District Court on Thursday ordered the former operator of a now-closed manga piracy website called Mangamura to pay three major Japanese publishers a total of about 1.73 billion yen in damages.
   In the lawsuit, the publishers--Kadokawa Corp., Shueisha Inc. and Shogakukan Inc.--claimed that the website had uploaded popular manga titles without permission, and demanded some 1.93 billion yen in damages.
   According to the ruling and other sources, Mangamura was said to be the largest piracy website in Japan, attracting nearly 100 million visits per month. It is estimated to have caused damage of about 320 billion yen.
   The former Mangamura operator has been found guilty of violating the copyright law and other crimes and is currently seeking a retrial.
   In the damages suit, the court, presided over by judge Masaki Sugiura, found that the former operator posted image data of 17 titles, including "Sgt. Frog," "One Piece" and "Yawara!," without obtaining permission from the three publishers.


