2024.04.12 09:52Nation

温室ガス排出、過去最少更新 22年度、節電・省エネが寄与―環境省

 環境省は12日、国内の2022年度の温室効果ガスの排出量が二酸化炭素(CO 2)換算で前年度比2.5%減の11億3500万トンとなり、過去最少を更新したと発表した。20年度までは7年連続で前年度を下回ったが、21年度はコロナ禍からの経済回復で増加に転じていた。同省は減少の要因として、企業や家庭などでの節電や省エネ努力による効果が大きいとしている。(2024/04/12-09:52)

2024.04.12 09:52Nation

Japan's FY 2022 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hit Record Low

Greenhouse gas emissions in Japan in fiscal 2022 hit a new record low of 1,135 million tons in terms of carbon dioxide, 2.5 pct lower than in the preceding year and the first drop in two years, the Environment Ministry said Friday.
   Emissions increased in fiscal 2021 due to an economic recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, after declining for seven consecutive years until fiscal 2020.
   According to the ministry, efforts by companies and households to save energy and electricity contributed to the lowest emissions in fiscal 2022, which ended in March 2023.
   By sector, emissions from commercial and other business establishments dipped 4.7 pct to 179 million tons. Emissions from households fell 1.4 pct to 158 million tons thanks to a decrease in the use of heating due to the warm winter. In contrast, emissions from the transport sector, including automobiles, went up 3.9 pct to 192 million tons as demand for travel recovered.
   Emissions excluding absorption by forests were down 2.3 pct at 1,085 million tons. The Japanese government aims to cut such emissions by 46 pct in fiscal 2030 from the level in fiscal 2013 and achieve net-zero emissions by fiscal 2050. Fiscal 2022 saw a 22.9 pct drop from fiscal 2013.


