2024.04.11 06:33Nation

裕子夫人、米高校生らと交流 ジルさんの歓待受ける―日米首脳会談


2024.04.11 06:33Nation

Kishida's Wife Meets with U.S. High School Students

Yuko Kishida, wife of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, met with some 20 U.S. high school students learning Japanese, together with U.S. first lady Jill Biden, at a White House library on Wednesday.
   Yuko introduced the attractions of haiku, saying that a reference to the season is always contained in the 17-syllable Japanese poem.
   Jill stressed the importance of people-to-people exchanges, saying, "The ties that bind our nations are not just forged by heads of state."
   On Tuesday, Yuko participated in a tea ceremony with people promoting Japan-U.S. exchanges and a national cherry blossom festival event.


