2024.03.08 13:31Nation

「皆が幸せな結婚に必要」 原告、夫婦別姓の意義強調―3都道県の男女12人提訴


2024.03.08 13:31Nation

Lawsuits Filed in Japan to Overturn Dual Surname Ban

Twelve plaintiffs Friday filed lawsuits in Japan against laws that prohibit different surnames for married couples.
   The plaintiffs demand court confirmation that both of a couple can legally maintain their premarital surnames after marriage, claiming that provisions against different surnames for married couples in the Civil Code and the family register law are unconstitutional.
   The lawsuits were filed by the plaintiffs from Tokyo, Hokkaido and Nagano Prefecture with Tokyo District Court and Sapporo District Court in Hokkaido.
   Allowing different surnames for married couples is "a system that is necessary so that everyone can get married happily," said Megumi Ueda, one of the plaintiffs.
   Ueda, 46, said she had decided not to change her surname upon marriage. "My name is myself," said Ueda, who lives in Tokyo.


