2024.02.14 00:06Nation

岸田首相在職、戦後10位に 鈴木善幸氏に並ぶ864日


2024.02.14 00:06Nation

Kishida Now 10th Longest-Serving PM in Japan's Postwar History

Fumio Kishida became the 10th longest-serving prime minister in Japan's postwar history with Wednesday marking his 864th day in office.
   Kishida now shares his record with Zenko Suzuki, who was also from Kochikai, a faction of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party that was, up until recently, led by Kishida.
   "Every day, I put everything I have into tackling issues that cannot be put off any longer," Kishida told reporters on Tuesday.
   The longest-serving prime minister from Kochikai is faction founder Hayato Ikeda, who filled the post of the country's leader for 1,575 days.
   Kishida will need to remain in office until Jan. 25, 2026, in order to tie Ikeda's record.


