2023.12.28 10:54Nation

山本「本当に勝ちたい」 ドジャース入団会見、背番号18―米大リーグ



 山本 由伸(やまもと・よしのぶ)宮崎・都城高からドラフト4位で17年にオリックス入団。19年に最優秀防御率、20年には最多奪三振のタイトルを獲得した。21年は18勝、22年は15勝、23年は16勝を挙げ、いずれも投手4冠を達成。史上2人目の3年連続沢村賞、史上3人目となる3年連続の最優秀選手にも選ばれた。通算70勝29敗1セーブ、防御率1.82。21年東京五輪、23年WBC日本代表。178センチ、80キロ。右投げ右打ち。25歳。岡山県出身。(2023/12/28-10:54)

2023.12.28 10:54Nation

Dodgers Introduce Japanese Right-Hander Yamamoto

The Los Angeles Dodgers introduced Yoshinobu Yamamoto at a press conference Wednesday after announcing a 12-year contract with the Japanese star right-hander.
   Yamamoto said at the Dodger Stadium that he is "truly grateful for each and every one of Dodgers staff members for repeatedly going over to Japan to see me play, and not only giving me this opportunity but thinking so highly of me as well."
   The Dodgers signed the 25-year-old ace of the Nippon Professional Baseball's Orix Buffaloes to a 325-million-dollar deal, the largest ever given to a pitcher in Major League Baseball history, according to MLB's official website and other sources.
   Yamamoto will wear the No. 18 jersey as a teammate of Japanese two-way superstar Shohei Ohtani, who signed a 10-year, 700-million-dollar contract with the Dodgers earlier this month.


