洞穴網がシェルター アルメニア国境の村

シモニャンさんの夫アルトゥーシュさん(68)は「もしかしたら攻撃してくるかもしれないだろ? やつらは臆病者だ。でも、ここは主権国家で、ナゴルノカラバフのような(各国から)承認されていない場所でもない。もし攻撃されたら抵抗する」と話した。【翻訳編集AFPBBNews】
Fear stalks Armenian border village in Azerbaijan's sights

Nelli Mirzoyan stops in her tracks on a rocky path close to her home in the Armenian village of Khnatsakh right on the border with Azerbaijan.
I'm not going further, she said, pointing to the source of her fears -- an Azerbaijani military outpost with a flag on the crest of a nearby hill.
Like many residents, she worries that Azerbaijani troops could advance further after their defeat of Nagorno-Karabakh in a lightning offensive last week.
Until the 2020 war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the territory near her village was controlled by Armenia as a buffer around breakaway Karabakh.
Azerbaijan's victory in that war forced Yerevan to pull back and Khnatsakh found itself surrounded by military outposts dotted around the mountainous area.
In some places, Azerbaijani and Armenian troops are just dozens of metres away.
There have been several security incidents -- most recently last year when Azerbaijan shelled several border areas, including Mirzoyan's village.
There is some fear, especially at night, said fellow villager Alvard Simonyan.
The Azerbaijanis say that they also want to take over Syunik, the 58-year-old said, referring to the southern Armenian province in which Khnatsakh is located.
She was referring to comments by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, who has vowed to take over Syunik province whether Armenia wants it or not.
Capturing the province would connect Azerbaijan with its exclave of Nakhichevan to the west of Armenia, which borders Azerbaijan's close ally Turkey.
From her balcony, Simonyan said she can hear Azerbaijani soldiers around a hundred metres from her home -- especially when they are swearing.
I understand some words, she said, adding that ethnic Azerbaijanis used to live in a nearby village in Soviet times.
- 'We will resist' -
Simonyan and some other residents hid in a cave -- one of many in the area -- during the 2020 war and sheltered there again during the shelling in 2022.
We spent the whole winter of 2020 in there. Four families. The doors are still there. We put our mattresses on the ground and slept there, she said.
None of the residents questioned Azerbaijan's sovereignty over the territories it has re-captured, or the presence of Azerbaijani fortifications on the other side of the border.
But they said they were ready to defend themselves in case Azerbaijani forces advanced into Syunik despite the military superiority of oil-rich Azerbaijan.
Maybe they're going to attack us. Who knows? They're cowards! But we are a sovereign country, it is not like we are an unrecognised country like Nagorno-Karabakh. If they attack us, we will resist, said Artush Simonyan, Alvard's 68-year-old husband.
The village has other pressing problems -- like poor quality roads, the absence of gas supplies and the fact that drinking water stops whenever it rains.
Residents say people leave the village as soon as they can and farming provides the only income for those who stay behind.
But the arrival of Azerbaijani troops at the border has made farming harder since villagers cannot access pastures where they took their flocks in the past.
Before, we let the cows graze freely, said Mirzoyan.
I've already lost three cows because they went too close to the Azerbaijani outpost.

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