2023.10.15 05:03Nation

8割が「人口減少に危機感」 「重要施策」回答は4割―新聞通信調査会


2023.10.15 05:03Nation

80 Pct of Japan People Concerned about Falling Population: Poll

Around 80 pct of people in Japan are concerned about the country's declining population, a survey by a Japanese institution has shown.
   A total of 79.4 pct of respondents either said that they have an extreme sense of crisis or have felt a slight sense of urgency over the falling population, according to the survey by the Japan Press Research Institute.
   Meanwhile, only 41.6 pct of respondents said that Japan should go all out to implement measures to tackle the dropping birthrate by regarding them as key to determining the country's future. A total of 14.7 pct said that the issue cannot be solved only through government policies, while 14.5 pct said that the decision on whether people have children should be solely left up to individuals.
   A total of 67.6 pct said that media reports either criticizing or assessing Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's measures tackling Japan's low birthrate have been insufficient.
   Meanwhile, 50.1 pct of respondents, including many in their 20s, said that media reports on the declining birthrate were applying childbearing and parenting pressure on the younger generation.


