2023.10.13 10:57Nation

安倍氏銃撃、公判前整理手続き 山上被告は出席せず―奈良地裁


2023.10.13 10:57Nation

Pretrial Proceedings for Abe Shooter Begin

Pretrial proceedings for a man indicted for murdering former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe began at a district court in the western city of Nara on Friday.
   The 43-year-old defendant, Tetsuya Yamagami, was not present at the closed-door first pretrial session at Nara District Court, people familiar with the proceedings said.
   Court officials, prosecutors and lawyers are believed to have held discussions on narrowing down evidence at the first session.
   The first pretrial session was initially scheduled for June 12, but was canceled after a suspicious cardboard box was delivered to the court. The box contained numerous petitions seeking leniency for Yamagami.
   Yamagami stands accused of fatally shooting Abe when the former prime minister was giving a campaign speech in Nara on July 8 last year.


