2020.02.09 23:53Nation

新たに6人感染確認 クルーズ船、計70人に―新型肺炎


2020.02.09 23:53Nation

6 More on Cruise Ship Test Positive for New Coronavirus

An additional six people on a cruise ship quarantined off Japan have tested positive for the new coronavirus, the health ministry said Sunday, boosting the total number of infected people onboard to 70.
   The infection was confirmed in the ministry's latest coronavirus checks covering 57 people. A total of 336 people on the Diamond Princess cruise ship have now undergone such virus checks.
   The number of confirmed new coronavirus infection cases across Japan has risen to 96.
   According to the ministry, none of the six infected people are in serious condition and they were sent to a medical institution in Tokyo.
   One of the six is a female American passenger in her 70s. The other five are crew members--a Ukrainian man in his 20s, three Filipino men in their 40s and a Filipina in her 20s.


