2020.02.08 12:56Nation

新たに3人感染確認 クルーズ船、64人に―新型肺炎


2020.02.08 12:56Nation

Coronavirus Cases on Cruise Ship in Japan Rises to 64

Japan's health ministry confirmed on Saturday three additional cases of new coronavirus infections on a cruise ship quarantined off Japan, raising the total number of infected people on the ship to 64.
   The additional cases were discovered after the ministry ran coronavirus checks on an additional six people, bringing the total number of passengers having taken virus tests to 279. The three were sent to a medical institution in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo.
   The people who tested positive for the virus in the latest examinations are a woman in her 60s and a man in his 70s, both U.S. nationals, as well as a Chinese woman in her 30s. All three were guests on the cruise chip.
   Of the three new patients, one U.S. national originally taken off the ship and admitted to a hospital for a separate illness on Thursday. The patent's infection with the new coronavirus was detected in a test conducted at the hospital. The other U.S. national was in close contact with this patient.
   The Chinese woman was in close contact with another infected individual.


