2020.02.08 07:15Nation

クルーズ熱に冷や水 政府目標、一層遠く―新型肺炎




2020.02.08 07:15Nation

Virus Pouring Cold Water on Japanese Hopes for Cruise Ship Tourism

The coronavirus outbreak is throwing cold water on Japanese government plans to promote cruise ship tourism to bring more visitors to the country.
   Japan's first case of a group infection with the virus hit the Diamond Princess, a cruise ship with some 3,700 passengers and crew members that has been quarantined off the coast of Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo.
   A number of planned calls to Japanese ports by foreign cruise ships had been cancelled, transport ministry officials said Thursday. As a result, such port calls in February are expected to be some 40 pct fewer than the number of reservations as of the end of last year, they said.
   The current situation is likely to make it harder for the Japanese government to reach its target of having five million foreign visitors on cruise ships this year. The number of such visitors might even be smaller this year than last year, when the figure totaled some 2.15 million on a preliminary basis.
   By contrast, the number of Japanese people who stayed at least one night aboard cruise ships rose 1.8 pct in 2018 from the previous year to some 321,000, hitting a record high for the third consecutive year, the transport ministry said.


