2020.02.06 20:38Nation

神戸鋼、パスコにもサイバー攻撃 機密流出なし―防衛省発表


2020.02.06 20:38Nation

Kobe Steel, Pasco Also Hit by Cyberattacks

Japan's Defense Ministry has said that steelmaker Kobe Steel Ltd. and aerial survey firm Pasco Corp. were victims of cyberattacks, the latest cases in a series of such attacks on Japanese defense-related companies.
   According to the ministry, no breach of information classified as secrets by the ministry was confirmed in the unauthorized outside accesses to corporate network terminals at the two companies, which are both the ministry's contractors.
   Kobe Steel supplies to the ministry underwater launching tubes mainly for torpedoes that are loaded onto submarines.
   According to the company and other sources, Kobe Steel saw a total of 250 unauthorized accesses in August 2016 and June 2017. Of them, 231 were accesses to information related to the ministry.
   Pasco, which provides the ministry with satellite photos, was hit by unauthorized accesses in May 2018. The company, however, said it found no breaches of personal information or information on clients.


