2023.08.23 20:37Nation

官報「デジタル版」が正本に 政府、臨時国会に法案提出へ


2023.08.23 20:37Nation

Japan to Put Digital Version of Official Gazette above Paper

The Japanese government aims to position the digital version of its official gazette above the paper version in 2024.
   The government plans to submit to an extraordinary parliamentary session, expected to be convened in autumn, a bill to recognize the digital edition as the main version of the official gazette. It hopes to enforce the changes at the earliest possible date in 2024.
   "We'll utilize the power of digital technology to drastically review administrative work," Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told a meeting of the government's Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee on May 30.
   "We'll steadily promote the digitalization of legislative work, including bringing the official gazette online," he added. The prime minister instructed digital transformation minister Taro Kono and others to boost talks on the matter.
   The government uses the official gazette when promulgating laws and treaties and informing the general public of government personnel changes, government procurement deals and other public information.


