2024.09.08 23:38Nation

維新、兵庫県知事に辞職要求へ パワハラ疑惑巡り


2024.09.08 23:38Nation

Nippon Ishin to Demand Hyogo Governor's Resignation

Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party) plans to urge Hyogo Governor Motohiko Saito on Monday to step down over his alleged power harassment, a senior party member in the prefectural assembly said Sunday.
   The plan by Nippon Ishin means that a majority of prefectural assembly members will support Saito's resignation.
   Nippon Ishin concluded Sunday that Saito's testimony about the allegations before a special investigative committee of the prefectural assembly on Friday was not convincing.
   The Liberal Democratic Party, the largest group in the assembly, plans to seek Saito's resignation on Thursday.
   A group including members of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan plans to submit a no-confidence motion against the governor at an assembly session set to begin on Sept. 19.


