2023.07.24 15:23World eye

「切り裂きジャック」真犯人解明? 捜査官の子孫が新刊 英

 サラ・バックス・ホートン氏は自身の新刊「One-Armed Jack: Uncovering the Real Jack the Ripper(原題、『片腕のジャック:切り裂きジャックの真犯人を暴く』の意)」で、葉巻製造業を営んでいた当時35歳のハイアム・ハイアムズについての調査結果を発表。被害者と共に目撃されていた容疑者に関する当時の証言がハイアムズの特徴と合致し、犯人の可能性が高いと指摘している。
2023.07.24 15:23World eye

New book claims to reveal identity of 'Jack the Ripper'

The great-great-granddaughter of a police officer who investigated the Jack the Ripper murders in 19th century London believes she has uncovered the killer's true identity, the Sunday Telegraph reported.
Sarah Bax Horton has written a book on her research into local cigar-maker Hyam Hyams, who she said closely matches witness descriptions from the time of a suspect seen with the victims.
The Jack the Ripper murders, which saw at least six women killed in the East End of London in 1888, remain one of Britain's most notorious unsolved cases.
A whole industry has sprung up around the case, including books, exhibitions and tours around the streets of the Whitechapel district where the women were killed.
Bax Horton said she had identified Hyams, an epileptic and alcoholic who was in an out of mental asylums, as the likely culprit.
Witnesses at the time described a man seen with the victims who was in his mid-30s, with a stiff arm, irregular gait and bent knees.
The author, whose book One-Armed Jack: Uncovering the Real Jack the Ripper comes out next month, unearthed medical records for Hyams, who was aged 35 in 1888.
They showed he had an injury that left him unable to bend or extend his left arm, and also dragged his foot and could not straighten his knees.
There were also close similarities in his height and build to the witness descriptions.
Hyams had regular seizures due to epilepsy, the notes, taken from hospitals and asylums, indicated.
He was permanently committed to a mental asylum in September 1889, and died in 1913.
Bax Horton, whose great-great-grandfather was posted at the headquarters of the investigation, concluded that Hyams, who had previously attacked his wife with a chopper, killed because of his physical and mental decline, worsened by alcoholism.
Hyams' name had been on a long list of potential suspects but she said he had never before been fully explored as a Ripper suspect.
Ripper expert Paul Begg called Bax Horton's findings a well-researched, well-written, and long-needed book-length examination of a likely suspect.


