2023.07.13 08:29Nation

「不同意性交罪」施行 性犯罪の要件具体化―改正刑法


2023.07.13 08:29Nation

Japan Enforces Revised Penal Code to Clarify Sex Crime Criteria

Japan put the revised Penal Code into force Thursday to clarify conditions for constituting the crime of nonconsensual intercourse to ensure appropriate punishments for sex crimes.
   The revised Penal Code has unified the crimes of forcible and quasi-forcible sexual intercourse into the crime of nonconsensual intercourse. It was enacted during the ordinary parliamentary session that ended last month.
   As the provisions of the previous forcible and quasi-forcible sexual intercourse crimes were abstract in wording, they caused variations in interpretation in many cases.
   The provisions were revised after a number of sex offenders were acquitted by courts across the country in 2019.
   The crime of nonconsensual intercourse is established when perpetrators engage in sexual intercourse while making it difficult for victims to form, express or fulfill the intention of not consenting, by using violence, intimidation or other acts, such as making victims drink alcohol or take drugs, scaring or shocking them, abusing them and taking advantage of perpetrators' positions.


