2020.01.31 07:17Nation

無症状感染の対策急務 発見、拡散防止難しく―強制検査できず・新型肺炎


2020.01.31 07:17Nation

Japan Rushes to Contain Coronavirus after Symptomless Patients Discovered

The Japanese government is scrambling to deal with the potential spread of a new coronavirus originating in China from people without signs of infection, after two people with no symptoms have tested positive for the virus in Japan.
   The government sees it difficult under current measures to discover symptomless people infected with the coronavirus and prevent secondary infections from such people.
   "We must consider the possibility of people without symptoms infecting others during the incubation period of the coronavirus," Eiji Hinoshita, head of the health ministry's Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Control Division, said Thursday. "We must assume the worst in making preparations."
   The ministry revoked its earlier statement that "the possibility of infections from those carrying the new coronavirus but not showing symptoms is believed to be low" if characteristics of other coronavirus-related infectious diseases are taken into consideration. The statement was drawn up based on opinions from experts.
   The ministry is also considering expanding the definition of people suspected to have the new coronavirus, which is believed to have spread from Wuhan in China's Hubei Province and has caused numerous people to develop pneumonia.


