2020.01.30 23:29Nation

三重・京都などの3人感染 武漢に滞在歴―新型肺炎


2020.01.30 23:29Nation

New Coronavirus Cases in Japan Rise to 14

The number of confirmed cases in Japan of the new coronavirus spreading from the Chinese city of Wuhan rose to 14 on Thursday.
   A man in his 50s, who has a foreign citizenship and lives in Mie Prefecture, central Japan, and a Chinese woman in her 20s, a resident in the western Japan city of Kyoto, were confirmed to have the coronavirus, the Mie and Kyoto prefectural governments respectively said on the day.
   The health ministry announced the infection of a female tour guide in her 30s, who is from China.
   All of the three people had stayed in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, according to the authorities.
   The man in Mie developed a fever last Saturday after returning to Japan on Jan. 13 from Wuhan, where he stayed from Dec. 24 last year. He was taken to a hospital by ambulance on Monday, but returned to his home because he did not show symptoms of pneumonia.


