2020.01.30 01:29Nation

女性バスガイドの感染確認 運転手と同乗、国内8人目―新型肺炎




2020.01.30 01:29Nation

Japan Confirms Tour Bus Guide's Infection with China Coronavirus

A tour bus guide in her 40s in Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, has been confirmed to have pneumonia from the new coronavirus spreading from China, Japan's health ministry said Wednesday.
   The guide, currently hospitalized, had been on a bus whose driver, a man from Nara Prefecture, east of Osaka, was confirmed on Tuesday to be infected with the coronavirus, the ministry said.
   According to Osaka prefectural officials, the guide initially visited a hospital outside the prefecture and was then admitted to a hospital in the city of Osaka, the prefecture's capital, as a patient with unexplained severe symptoms who is suspected of having an infectious disease.
   After the bus driver tested positive for the virus, the ministry tracked down three people--two members of his family and the tour bus guide--who had close contact with him.
   The driver took the wheel of a bus that carried a total of 60 tour participants from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, between Tokyo and Osaka on Jan. 8-11 and on Jan. 12-16.


