2023.05.15 14:54Nation

「事務所の責任で調査を」 ジャニーズファン有志の会が見解―性加害問題

 ジャニーズ事務所が故ジャニー喜多川前社長を巡る性被害告発問題への見解を表明したことを受け、ファン有志でつくる「PENLIGHT(ペンライト) ジャニーズ事務所の性加害を明らかにする会」は15日、会の見解を発表し、今後さらに「事務所自身の責任」で実態の調査と検証を進めることなどを求めた。

2023.05.15 14:54Nation

Fans Call for Further Probe by Johnny & Associates on Alleged Abuse

A group of fans of performers belonging to Johnny & Associates Inc. said Monday that the Japanese talent agency should further investigate alleged sexual abuse by its late former president, Johnny Kitagawa.
   The group, Penlight, which seeks to shed light on alleged sexual abuse involving the agency, offered the view after the agency's current president, Julie Keiko Fujishima, apologized over the allegations in a video message on Sunday.
   The fan group expressed appreciation for the apology showing sincerity, while underlining the need to find out what had happened and why the alleged abuse spread, so that similar incidents can be prevented.
   A series of measures to tackle the allegations announced by the agency on Sunday, including a plan to set up a point of contact for those who might want to report their experience of abuse, are not enough, the group said.
   The allegations need to be investigated and reviewed, while respecting those who do not want to undergo hearings about sexual abuse, to find out whether employees of the agency knew about the alleged sexual abuse, the group said.


