2023.02.11 20:52Nation

岸田首相、鼻づまりで内視鏡手術 13日に公務復帰


2023.02.11 20:52Nation

Kishida Enters Hospital to Undergo Sinus Surgery

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida entered a Tokyo hospital Saturday to undergo endoscopic surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis causing a stuffy nose.
   Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno will serve as acting prime minister during the sinus surgery, which will be conducted under general anesthesia.
   Kishida will be released from the hospital the same day. He will visit the hospital Sunday to receive postsurgery treatment and will resume his official duties Monday.
   The prime minister told reporters Friday that he decided to undergo the surgery to "take all possible precautions."
   Kishida's voice became noticeably nasal from around October last year, and he saw an otolaryngologist three times after that.


