2023.01.17 12:37Nation

強制性交要件、試案を修正 「不同意表明が困難」に―法制審


2023.01.17 12:37Nation

Japan Amends Sex Crime Requirement in Draft Law Revision

Japan's Justice Ministry modified its draft plan Tuesday for revising sex crime provisions in the Penal Code to reduce burdens on victims.
   The ministry changed the requirement for establishing the crimes of forcible sexual intercourse and indecent assault to "making it difficult for the victim to form, express or fulfill the intention not to consent."
   Its initial draft plan released last October, which set the requirement as "making it difficult for the victim to refuse," was feared to cause the misunderstanding that the victim is obligated to express refusal.
   The revision was submitted to the criminal law subcommittee of the Legislative Council, which advises the justice minister, at a meeting Tuesday.
   The new requirement will be approved by the council as early as February, together with other planned measures against sex crimes in the draft, such as raising the age of consent from 13 to 16 and creating a new crime to punish secretly photographing and filming victims.


