2022.12.08 12:20Nation

原発建て替えへ行動指針 「60年超」運転も―経産省


2022.12.08 12:20Nation

Japan Draws Up Guidelines for N-Power Plant Reconstruction

Japan's industry ministry Thursday drew up guidelines to enable the maximum use of nuclear power plants through reconstruction and operating life extensions.
   The guidelines mark a big change in the government's nuclear energy policy, under which a freeze has been placed on new construction and reconstruction of nuclear plants since the March 2011 triple meltdown at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
   The government plans to finalize the guidelines, aimed at supporting efforts to secure stable electricity supplies and realize carbon neutrality, at a meeting of the green transformation implementation council, headed by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, by year-end.
   The guidelines note that the government will promote the development and construction of innovative next-generation reactors with new safety mechanisms.
   After the adoption of the guidelines, the government will first consider replacing decommissioned reactors with new ones.


