2022.12.08 10:18Nation

国連総会、日本の核廃絶決議を採択 29年連続、禁止条約に初言及


2022.12.08 10:18Nation

U.N. Adopts Japan-Led Nuke Abolition Resolution

The U.N. General Assembly adopted on Wednesday a Japan-led resolution calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons for the 29th consecutive year.
   The latest resolution received 147 votes in favor and six against, with 27 abstentions.
   The resolution mentioned the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which fully bans the production and possession of nuclear weapons, for the first time. It said that it notes the treaty's entry into force in January 2021 and its first meeting of parties in June this year.
   It also touched upon the review conference for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in August, which ended without the adoption of a final document due to opposition from Russia.
   The resolution did not criticize Russia by name but expressed regret over the decision of a single country that caused the failure of the conference.


