2022.11.25 18:38Nation

元稲沢市議、無期懲役が確定 麻薬密輸罪で上訴棄却―中国


2022.11.25 18:38Nation

Indefinite Prison Term Finalized for Japanese Man in China

A Chinese high court on Friday upheld a lower court ruling sentencing a 79-year-old Japanese man to be imprisoned for an indefinite term for drug smuggling, finalizing the sentence.
   The Guangdong High People's Court rejected an appeal filed by the man, Takuma Sakuragi, a former member of the city assembly of Inazawa, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, against the ruling given by the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court in 2019.
   In 2013, Sakuragi was found carrying over 3 kilograms of stimulants in a suitcase at an airport in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province.
   At a court hearing in June this year, Sakuragi insisted on his innocence, saying that he had no idea what was inside the suitcase, and that he had been tricked into carrying the luggage.
   According to his lawyer, the high court concluded that Sakuragi could learn the content of the suitcase when he was handed the luggage by another person.


