2022.11.25 16:52Nation

全国旅行支援、来年も実施 最大7000円に縮小―観光庁


2022.11.25 16:52Nation

Japan to Extend Nationwide Travel Discount Program

The Japanese government is planning to extend its nationwide travel discount program, originally set to end in late December, tourism minister Tetsuo Saito said Friday.
   Saito told a press conference that the program will be suspended from Dec. 28 and resumed after the year-end and New Year period. The day of resumption will be announced later, depending on the COVID-19 infection situation.
   Meanwhile, discounts under the program will be reduced, with the discount rate to fall to 20 pct from the current 40 pct and the maximum discount amount to drop to 5,000 yen from 8,000 yen a night per tourist for tour packages including public transportation services, as well as to 3,000 yen from 5,000 yen for only hotel stays or single-day trips.
   Shopping coupons provided under the program will be partially decreased. The amount issued in such coupons for weekdays will be cut to 2,000 yen from 3,000 yen, while the amount for public holidays will be maintained at 1,000 yen.
   Certificates of having received at least three COVID-19 vaccine doses or having tested negative for the coronavirus will continue to be required for using the travel discount program.


