2022.11.24 14:23Nation

W杯で記録的ツイート数 1秒当たり2万件―マスク氏


2022.11.24 14:23Nation

World Cup Twitter Traffic Hits 20,000 Tweets Per Second Wed.

Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter Inc., revealed Wednesday that Twitter traffic related to the ongoing 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar almost hit 20,000 tweets per second on the day.
   Musk on Twitter said that the social media platform experienced a "record usage," with popular tweets including those on Japan's dramatic win over Germany in their World Cup opener on Wednesday and on Japanese supporters staying after the match to pick up garbage left behind by other spectators.
   A post by the official FIFA World Cup account reporting Japan's victory over Germany has garnered some 177,000 likes so far.
   Many media outlets have also voiced on Twitter their respect for Japanese fans, with U.S. sports channel ESPN tweeting, "After their shocking win against Germany, Japan fans stayed after the match to clean up the stadium."


