2022.11.10 20:38Nation

原発事故、賠償基準見直しへ 「故郷変容」など5項目検討―政府審査会


2022.11.10 20:38Nation

Japan Govt to Review N-Accident Compensation Criteria

A Japanese government panel, in a report released Thursday, called for a review of the state's guidelines on the criteria for compensation for people affected by the country's worst nuclear accident, which occurred at the Fukushima No. 1 plant in March 2011.
   In the final report on court rulings ordering the government to pay more compensation than the amount set under its interim guidelines for damages related to the accident, the dispute reconciliation panel for nuclear damage compensation said that the government needs to make efforts to take into account newly classified types of damage.
   The panel presented in the report five items, including psychological damage caused by the loss of people's hometowns or changes that occurred in their hometowns due to the March 2011 triple meltdown at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
   Based on the report, the panel is set to discuss the reviewing of the interim guidelines later on Thursday.
   The current guidelines stipulate that around 100,000 yen should be paid monthly per person in compensation for psychological damage caused by evacuations.


