2022.11.02 07:05Nation

空港・港湾活用で省庁協議会 防衛力強化へ体制整備


2022.11.02 07:05Nation

Japan Govt to Create Council on SDF Use of Airports, Ports

The Japanese government plans to create an interministerial council to facilitate the use of civil airports and ports by the Self-Defense Forces under normal circumstances, government sources have said.
   In preparation for possible emergency situations, the government aims to make it easier for the SDF to obtain permission to use such facilities for drills. It also hopes to launch projects to build and improve runways and quay facilities.
   The council of officials from the defense and infrastructure ministries and the Cabinet Office will be established following the planned updates to the country's three key national security documents at year-end.
   According to the Defense Ministry, the SDF needs to obtain permission beforehand from local municipalities and other relevant organizations when using civil airports and ports during ordinary times.
   A senior infrastructure ministry official referred to a problem related to seaports, which are managed by prefectural and other local governments.


