日本の核廃絶決議案を採択 禁止条約に初言及―国連委
U.N. Panel Adopts Japan-Proposed Nuke Abolition Resolution
The U.N. General Assembly Committee on Disarmament and International Security adopted a Japan-sponsored annual resolution calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons on Monday, making reference to the U.N. nuclear weapons ban treaty for the first time.
The resolution received 139 votes in favor, six against and 31 abstentions. The full General Assembly is expected to adopt it in early December.
The resolution says it notes that the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons entered into force in January 2021 and held its first meeting of parties in June this year.
The treaty, while not signed by Japan, is referred to in the resolution given that it was included in a draft final document for a review conference for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in August this year.
The NPT conference ended without adopting the final document due to opposition from Russia. The U.N. resolution expresses "regret over the decision of one state to block a consensus outcome" at the NPT conference, although not naming Russia in order to attract broader support.